This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other ENAR events.

As an organisation, ENAR was set on a mission by our network of grassroots activists and local/national CSOs to achieve legal changes at European level and make decisive progress towards racial equality in all EU Member States. In 2019, we launched 10 EU election demands, calling on candidates for European Parliament elections to put the European Union on a fairer path by actively promoting equality and social justice for all. Since the last elections, we have been monitoring and taking note of the policies and implementation of the issues affecting racialised communities.

Staying true to our cause, on ENAR's 25 Anniversary and a year before the European Elections, we embark on a journey to re-engage with the network and consolidate partnership at local, national and EU levels. In order to have a strong voice and representation at the next European Elections, we are preparing a campaign that will involve calling on candidates for the elections to tackle the intersecting forms of structural inequalities experienced by racialised communities across Europe. 

Are you planning on working on a various set of activities around the topic of European Elections? Join us in the long-term consultation process.

We envision monthly meetings with our members between October 2023 and June 2024. We want to gather valuable insights from the ENAR membership and integrate them in shaping the future course of action for ENAR.

Please note that when you register you will receive a reoccurring link to the Teams meeting. The dates of the meetings are set below. Each of the meetings will either be a consultation or an one hour training for members. The Advocacy Team will inform you about the set of objectives and aims of each of the consultations in advance of the meeting. It is however in the interest of the members to save the date for all events. You are welcome to attend all of them and/or contribute to the parts that you feel are most relevant to you. If you haven't had a chance to participate in the first two consultations - don't worry, you are very much welcome to join from this point on.


Dates of the Meetings (2024):

23 January  - Training Session led by VOICIFY and the Migration Policy Group focusing on the significance of voter engagement and effective strategies to mobilize your community for the EU elections in 2024. The workshop will bring more insight and ideas to ENAR members the field of civic engagement, voter mobilization, and community organizing.

6 February (TBC) - Launch of the Manifesto

27 February  - Training Session led by SETA on the topic of "Hate Speech in Political Discourse". The webinar is organised jointly with SETA's Peer Action Against Hate project. Important! Please register through this external form

2 April Consultation. 

7 May Consultation.

28 May Consultation.

18 June Consultation.

The time for each meeting is set for 15:30-17:00 (CET).

All of the meetings take place online. If you have not received a reoccurring Team meeting link, please get in touch with Nourhene (

Stay updated! We have a live document available, as discussed in our previous meeting. It includes a concept note and a detailed timeline for the European Elections. This document will be continuously updated with new events and key meetings. Bookmark it for easy access and regular check-ins: ENAR EP Election Timeline.

Share your events and activities with ENAR! Your events and activities related to the European Elections are crucial. To feature these in our timeline, please fill out the submission formwith your event details. 



Share with your network and register (on rolling basis). Please get in touch with or with any questions. 


Code of Conduct

By registering to this meeting, you confirm your agreement with ENAR's code of conduct at ENAR meetings and events.

You can download the full document HERE​.
