This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other ENAR events.

In 2024, ENAR has launched an internal process to evaluate its impact over the current strategic period (2022-2025).

A survey has been concluded that allowed ENAR's membership to provide input, as well as several interviews with ENAR's member organisations have been conducted.

To further this evaluative process, a series of workshops is being organised to support ENAR's members in influencing and taking ownership of the organisation's next strategy.

The workshop series will be divided into two parts. Members are welcome to sign up for all or only select certain workshops they wish to attend. The interest should be indicated in the registration form.


Date: 25 July 2024

Location: Online (Zoom link will be shared with the registered participants two days before the meeting)

09:30-11:30 (CET) / Session 1: Impact assessment presentation & Validation

Objective: We will share with you the findings of our impact assessment research and process your feedback on the SWOT analysis.

12:30-14:30 (CET) / Session 2: Understanding the Problem and Solution

Objective: We will co-define the in-depth context analysis of anti-racism work in Europe, understanding the problems, the root causes, and bringing in the solutions developed by the works of members.

15:30-17:30 (CET) / Session 3: Understanding Influences and Context

Objective: We will engage in an exercise of mapping the context in which ENAR operates. We will identify different stakeholders, including key individuals, organizations, participants and affected communities and engagement strategies to create a common visualization of influences and context.


Date: 28 August 2024

Location: Online (Zoom link will be shared with the registered participants two days before the meeting)

09:30-11:30 (CET) / Session 1 - Theory of Change and Log-frame Development

Objective: We will co-define the change we want to see, identify preconditions, and identify concrete action and progress. 

12:30-14:30 (CET) / Session 2: Culture & Wellbeing

Objective: We will co-define common working values for the network, create an environment where members feel belonging and ownership and that cares for the wellbeing of anti-racism activists.

15:30-17:30 (CET) / Session 3: Structure & Governance

Objective: We will define different governance bodies, roles and responsibilities as well as leadership style of the Board.

Find the full agenda with objectives of each session here.



Share with your network and register till 21 July 2024. Please get in touch with with any questions. 

As this event is an extension of the statutory discussions which were part of the General Assembly, there is no requirement for sharing of motivations to attend that would have otherwise been used as basis for selection at our other events.

The Zoom link for the online session will be shared two days before the meeting only to the registered participants.


Code of Conduct

By registering to this meeting, you confirm your agreement with ENAR's code of conduct at ENAR meetings and events.

You can download the full document HERE.

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